Rabu, 30 November 2016

Experiencing Life in Italy

Two months.
Isn’t it crazy how time can fly so fast? I mean, it still feels like yesterday when me and my friends went to Soekarno Hatta airport together, took pictures and said goodbye to our parents. Wasn’t it still yesterday? But how could I woke up today realizing I’ve been here for 61 days completed?
Well, I can’t deny that being placed in Italy has been such a blessing for me. Everything in here are just very nice; the people I met, the places I visited, they are all wonderful and amazing. It’s not that I’m being over, but it’s just me, telling how grateful I am.
Being in italy for two months, there are so many things that I have learned. So many things until I wonder what would I be if I never live here. But, writing this letter got me thinking, ‘What have I done these past months? Have I already done something matter or did I just waste my time all this time?’ I couldn’t find the answer, because some parts of me believe that the thing that I should be doing all this time was just adapting and making friends as much as possible, but another part of me said that I should’ve done something more.

Respons Kocak Netizen Soal Air Mineral

Sejak beberapa hari terakhir, masyarakat dunia maya membicarakan sebuah unggahan yang bernada miring soal calon gubernur petahana Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). Unggahan berupa screenshot dari sebuah media sosial itu berisi tulisan: "atas ketidak adilan yg terjadi di indonesia. acara minum2 MIRAS bersama. akibat sering gaul sama aHOK".
Lucunya, dari foto terlihat yang tersedia di meja hidangan sebenarnya hanya botol air mineral. Orang yang mengunggah foto tersebut mengira botol hijau tersebut adalah botol minuman beralkohol--karena sama-sama berwarna hijau. Ini unggahannya:

Tak butuh waktu lama, netizen pun berkomentar kocak. Berikut ini di antaranya:
1. Enggak usah dibawa serius
2. Anjuran untuk ha(t)ters(?)
3. Zaman SBY belum jadi miras?
4. Anggota KTT OKI juga minum miras?
5. Jadi banyak dicari
6. Masih menunggu label halal
7. Promosi gratis? Lumayanlah...
8. Mabuk...mabuk...mabuk...
9. Mungkin Masnya kurang piknik?
10. No hate, just love....

Senin, 28 November 2016

What makes content shareable?

What makes content shareable? http://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/05KtRAQd?s=adv.touchpal